Sunday, December 30, 2012

The tale of two Links.

So, it was just Christmas. I went pretty cheap on the gifts. (Nobody shun me) I spent an average of 8 or so dollars each gift.

I have eight siblings though (including in-laws) so after so many gifts I kept getting cheaper.... looking around my room.... what could I do for my brother... Sometimes it's hard to tell what he is and is not going to like.

I look into my closet (which is about 1/3 clothes and 2/3 art supplies.) and remember my collection of polymers clay that hasn't been touched in decades.... or something.

But what to do that my brother could appreciate and won't be nearly impossible??

Almost done!! (Link 1.0)
Isn't he cute?? (Link 1.0)
An 8-bit framed picture of one of his favorite video game characters. Link, depicted from the Minish Cap. (Does he even have a last name?)

It actually didn't take me long, not to be vain but I'm pretty good at this stuff. within 20 hours of actually starting I was ready to bake this little creation! He was cute! Adorable even!! I put him in the oven at 275 degrees (as the package directed) but before I knew it my younger sisters busted into my rool yelling about how he was now black! Burnt!

I was frustrated. To say the least.

Link 2.0
But I made a trip to Jo-ann's, dealt out the coupons purchasing more clay and made another one! He was even cuter if that was possible!!

The catch? He was slightly bigger... And no longer fit into the shadowbox I had. -_-

Twas easier mended though, we purchased another (cheap ;) shadowbox and popped that bad boy right in there with some brown paper and 'viola!! The perfect, cute little Christmas gift that didn't quite turn out as cheap as I'd hoped...

The good news? My brother thought it was awesome. :)


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

It's the End of the World!! Everybody Panic!!

I know they found another Mayan calendar that continues life much further, so everyone is allowed to calm down now. Woo hoo, whipee, only another hundred years or so before they make more doomsday movies... or not.

But here's a crazy thought, what IF the world really does end?

What if, in about 8 days on the winter solstice the world ends??

What do we do with the last 8, very short, days we have left?!?!

Do we warn the citizens of large cities?? Roaming the streets yelling "The End is Nigh!!!!"??
Do we spend all our money in the casinos and party it up? Open all our Christmas gifts early?? Pull out the big guns and shoot at anyone that comes on our land???

Oh, wait... We do that anyway.

You gotta protect land. Money comes and goes. People do too. But land, it's constant, it remains.... *cough* Excuse my random rant on land... Where was I?

Oh, yeah! If we really had just 8 days left to live normally, before the end of the world began. (because lets face it, it wouldn't be all at once. It would happen slowly...) Before mass chaos breaks out, before the world would be dramatically changed forever...

If you knew you only had 8 days left to live the life that you were currently living? What would you do? I know that people like to have the attitude "Live like it's your last day on earth!" as an excuse to be lazy with their lives and party. But if I knew it was my last day to live, why would I waste it partying? Emphasis on waste. 

Personally, if I knew for a fact that I only had 8 days left of normal living, I'd do nothing. I would act like all is normal. (Aside from making a trip to walmart and buying TONS of ammo.) As much as I can complain, and get annoyed and blah blah about all my problems, and vent, and whatever else I do, I like this life.

I love my family, I love my friends, and when the end comes I would cherish the memories all the more. Instead of drinking myself to oblivion and partying my days away, or going of on a cruise, or flying to New Zealand (which is very tempting by the by) I shall merely live.

And in 8 days, when the world probably won't end, I shall have dinner as normal with my family.


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Only 15 more days to NOT squeal.

It's that awkward time of year!
We have all purchased gifts for others, and must now act as though we have no remembrance of what we are giving them. Yet the urge to just tell them is too great! We cannot wait until that blessed Christmas morn!

How did our parents... er.. How did Santa manage all those years? To know what he was giving everyone and not be so excited that he just accidentally told everyone, tis an amazing feat indeed! Santa must be more amazing than I thought.

Personally, in my house, my Momma has been getting worse with this. Starting in November. She might start saying something only to cut abruptly saying "--uh, never mind!" Usually because she was about to say something about one of our Christmas gifts but caught herself.

It gets worse the closer to Christmas we get. It's not just my Mom though, it's all of us. Me, Dad, Mom, all of my siblings too!! It's like, once we have ready what we're getting somebody else, the excitement for giving them that gift is so much it starts to overtake us until we just can't NOT say that I got...


Wait, I can't say! I still have about 15 more days!!!!


Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Unknown.

Do you know exactly how much is unknown? Because I don't know what is unknown, nor do I know how much of it is not known. Do not you just hate that? I do. I hate not knowing the unknown, not even knowing how much of it I would have to learn before knowing all of that which is not known.

Stupid unknown. Never knows when to stop. At least I do not know when unknown stops.

Monday, November 12, 2012

My words are poop.

Do you ever feel like poop? I know I do. Unlike most people, I don't feel like poop when others are mean to me. Usually I'm just like "Wow, you have impressed me with your mean abilities, you are completely right..." (Or not.) okay, more like "Um, yeah. Your meanness I don't care about."
Now if what they said while being mean was true or something.... then yeah, it'd be a bit different.

Mostly when I feel like poop it is because I have hurt somebody I love. I don't just mean the kind of things we'll get over in five minutes. But the one's that might not even be gotten over. Luckily, I have not hurt too many of my friends. (that I know of) And most friendships that have been damaged have been repaired. MOST. That's when I feel like poop, when I can't fix what I had to go and break in the first place.

When I get angry, or ooberly frustrated, my mouth (or fingers) start sending messages that my brain hasn't approved of yet. These messages are usually things that I know for a fact will cut hard at the other person. It's a talent that nobody should have, yet so many do. It's disgusting.

The worst part is, when the other person just stops. Stops arguing back, stops fighting, stops talking, everything stops. I have been so terrible that they give up. There is a twitch of satisfaction, but that is before the realization sets in. I have killed my friend.

The poopiest of poops is when they won't even hear me apologize. When I have hurt them so much they won't even look at, or accept my apology.

That saying "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." was said by the biggest chronic liar in the world. (That, or they were deaf.)

Words hurt. They hurt more than guns, or whips, or the gnashing of teeth, words start wars, words kill millions, words can do more harm with one flick of the tongue than an atomic bomb. At least with a bomb *boom* you're dead, but with words you have to live,-suffer through the pain, and even after apologies remove that knife there will always, ALWAYS be a scar.

James, he was a pretty cool guy. He wrote a really cool book and in it he addresses words and stuff... You should read it sometime. But in it he says
"but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison." (James 3:8 ESV)
He goes on to say:

"With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so." (James 3:9-10 ESV)

I do not use this for an excuse, "It's untamable, so it's not my fault..."

Guys, the tongue may be untamable, but we are not! We control our own bodies, and when we know we'll end up saying or doing something stupid if we're put in a certain situation (wait for it....) DON'T PUT YOURSELF IN THAT SITUATION!!! At least 90% of arguments don't need to have been had. Things I say all the time I wish I could take back, but I cannot. And just like the people I hurt with my villianous ability to blindly blurt stupidly mean things must live being hurt by what I have said to them, I have to live knowing that no matter how sorry I am I can never unsay a thing once said.

Let us all hold each other accountable for potty training our mouths.

That is all I have fore today, thank you.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Whoo-hoo! Parents are outta town!! Part: 3 This is the End.

Praise Jesus! My family is back! And it's about time. Despite what it might have looked like by view of my blog it's been pretty crazy here. Whoo....

The week was pretty crazy though. On friday we had a CA-razy time at Good News Clubs at the local elementary school. (A child evangelism after school program.) All of the little "angels" were INSANE, we suspect it was a leftover sugar high from halloween.

However that evening I went to a costume party. I put on all my best attire. (Cape, sword, guns, feathers, the whole works.) However, unlike everyone else, my costume did not consist of things that were purchased to be a costume. They were things that I have collected over the years because I genuinely have an interest in the like. Therefore I wasn't technically wearing a costume. Just clothes that were strange.

Some would come up to me and try to guess what/who I was:
"Lemme guess, Zelda?? Er,, Link?"
"Legolas right?"
"Are you another Katniss??"
"Well, from the waist down you look all vampire slayer. Yet from the waist up it looks Assassn's Creed meets Robin Hood."

I couldn't really answer people when they asked who I was. My costume was original, not copying a character. Duh. So I had a different answer each time.

"Katniss after she went insane."
"Hillary Clinton with guns."

and my personal favorite...

"What costume?"

Refusing to acknowledge that I was wearing a costume of any sorts. "I always dress like this."

It was a fun night. Probably the highlight of the whole week. My sisters and I went shopping on saturday, and had a full random whatever tv marathon on sunday. Untilpa. Mypa. Parentspa. Finallypa. Gotpa. Homepa. (That sunday evening.)

It was about time. Most adult things I can handle. But parent things are way out of my league. That's right, I'm not ashamed to say it.

Boys and girls this now concludes are eventful series on "Whoo-hoo! Parents are outta town!!", THE END

Saturday, November 3, 2012

28 random things about me that are "unusual."

I'm not normal, hopefully you know this by now. Because if you don't, well then... you should re-read (or perhaps first-read) some older blog posts. They will either remind you (or in general show you for a firsties) of how weird and strange I am, OR how much like me you are. We shall see my young padawon, we shall see.

Well, you know... oh wait, no you don't. Let me tell you. In 28 randomly, and nermically organized order... if that makes any sense. I'm confused.

1. I do not speak the same dialect of english as most "English-speaking" people. You will find words such as "indeed" and even "bloody pumpernickel" in my vocabulary. I know those aren't the strangest ones I use... but to be quite frank with you I can't seem to think of anymore.

2. When I was twelve I specifically asked for the 1938 Robin Hood soundtrack for Christmas. This was the same Christmas that I received a green hooded cape from my brother (brilliant gift by the by) and a wooden handmade longbow from my parents. I was taller than I was at the time.

3. I once OD'd on hotdogs and ever since have not been able to look at one without wanting to throw up. Everywhere.

4. I've generally had the same hairstyle since I was fifteen.

5. I'm NOT in love with Johnny Depp. That guy that everyone seems to love.

6. I have affectively been in love with a fictional/legendary character since I was 12. This has not changed, if he appeared today and asked me to marry him, I would look at him and say "You busy right now? Let's do this thing."

7. This fictional/legendary character may or may not be Robin Hood.

8. I tend to put on my green hooded cape while I clean my room. Or randomly when I am not in the greatest of moods.

9. I still have a blankie.

10. Eight is one of my favorite numbers.

11. I have only ever sorta cried in one movie. Ever. It sorta mighta kinda been at the part in Tangled where Eugene died.

12. What costume? This is what I look like.

13. I plea the fifth commandment. . . Wait....

14. This is embarrassing. I meant third commandment.

15. I believe in guns. They exist. I know they do!!

16. I could listen to a random song from a soundtrack and give a pretty accurate guess as to who composed it. (This is a game I play with my sister's. Fo real.)

17. My media expertise ranges from Clint Barton (And his shmexy arms) to George, of the Knightly clan, to Archie Kennedy. (Midshipman and loyal friend of Horatio Hornblower.)

18. I am one of few who believe Bob Ross is the master commander when it comes to painting.

19. I have decided to name my first son Giaus Tiberious Whatevermylastnameis. (Don't ask)

20. The pinky is the ninja finger.

21. Ski-doosh. #YODO (YODO: You Only Die Once)

22. I use weird voices by default when I'm getting tired. Wether or not I realize that I'm tired.

23. I can count super high. Trust me, I did it once when I was eight.

24. I am really pale. I am human. But pale. Not sick. But pale. I lack the ability to tan.


25. Automatic toilets scare me. They always go off before you even stand up. I mean fo real.

26. I am a cylon. *Insert "All along the Watchtower" sound clip here*

27. Gosh, I'm counting pretty high today aren't I? Well, I DID get more than decent grades in first grade math. :)

28. My sisters and I have coined the phrase "melestache" referring to a creepy mustache.

Now you might could possible see a little bit into this twisted brain of mine, I hope you have a better understanding of me.... Or maybe not so much.


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Whoo-hoo! Parents are outta town!! Part: 2 Eh.. It's a week.

It's been a........ well, it's been a week. I had a biology test on monday, and I studied for that ALL weekend... well, almost all weekend. ;) Whatever the else might I have been doing?? I'll never tell.

Hee hee hee, hahaha. Hohoho.......

Um..... since that test my brain has been so dead, it's been hard to focus on anything since. For serious, I will lose concentration in the middle of sent.....

What was that?? I don't know, I can't remember. I'm kinda tired. It's been a long week. Test, speech thing, quiz, school, baby to sit, stupid drama with people I haven't even seen in over four months... blech. If anyone out there wishes to make this week completely awesome for me, you may well..... I got nothin'. Commenting on this post would boost my spirits. :P

Seriously, it doesn't take a whole lot to make my day. I might be all big and growd, but I'm not too big for gummy bears and chocolate milk to make me stop crying. Gummy bears are awesome.

Well, anyone who doesn't think gummy bears are awesome should go stick their head in the snow. I have the rest of the week and the weekend, perhaps things shall become more exciting.... in a good way, the last thing  I need is more bad exciting stuff.... Till then, fare well.


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Whoo-hoo! Parents are outta town!! Part: 1 It's..... STUDY time!!!

I live at home. (That's funny, people usually live at their "home", right?)

Being a college student I was unable to partake on the annual journey to my grandparents house because it is taken in the middle of the fall semester of school, and regrettably, my school doesn't get a fall break like everywhere else. Yeah, figures.

Anyway, this means that when the rest of my family goes, I stay home. Not alone though, I have a few siblings who also stay, either they are also in school or have "big-kid" jobs. Sooooo?????? Party time right??? YES!

The first day with the 'rents gone my sister and I snuggle down for a day full of lifetime movies (that had a strange "baby" theme.) . . . (And the guy from BSG.) Aaaaaand....... Wait for iiiiitt. School. We got a lot done.

However, that evening? We party'd it up. I made French Onion Soup, tomatoes with olive oil and the seasonings, and of course bread and cheese. Then we (meaning almost all the in town sibs) watched. Fast. Five.

They went tooo......... "BRA-ZZZZZILLL"

*cough cough*

Anyway.... The next day we went back to work. Literally. I went to work first thing and did a bunch more homework and whatnot through the weekend.... That is, aside from when we were at church, or went out to breakfast, or had an Italian evening. Monday was school, tuesday was babysitting an adorable little girl. Wednesday was school again, and visit nephew, (Nephew shout out!!) then AWANA. Thursday was studying.... and babysitting an adorable little girl. Friday is going to be dedicated to Good News Club. :)

This was the first week of my families fall trip to TN. Perhaps the second will be more exhilarating. Then again... there might just be a lot more studying. Who knows?? I for one don't.

To be completely truthful I've been pretty stressed out this week. Saturday at work I learned that my boss can no longer afford to employ me, not to mention I have an important test on monday, and of course all the other dramas that being a girl entails (aka, regular people drama.) Let's pray that my next week is a little less.... Well, let's just pray my next week is a little less.

Galatians 5:1

Saturday, October 20, 2012

You know what they say about assumptions.

You could label me a million things. And you know what? They'd all fit. Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about stereotyping. But, just labeling stuff.

For example, you could label me an "artist", insinuating I have a weird sense of style, that I'm kind of "quirky", both of which are true.

Perhaps labeling me as a "lefty", being left handed. Saying I'm dyslexic and and little mixed up. I can't deny it.

Labeling me a "homeschooler" works too. Wether you're saying I'm socially awkward, (which is true.) shy, (also true) or stupid... Okay, that last one doesn't fit. Don't try to make it.

However, keep in mind I am not quirky because I'm artsy, I am not slightly dyslexic because I am left-handed, and I am not... NOT socially awkward because I was home schooled. These things coincide very well, but they do not depend on each other. Being kind of "not normal" around people is my personality, and it would be wether I was home schooled, public schooled, or private schooled. Wether I was artsy or had no taste whatsoever.

I know I don't make a lot of sense, I never have. I like confusing people. The point I'm trying to point out, is don't assume anything about anybody.

Don't assume that because I write a blog, I'm one of those girls that shares everything with everyone and wears my heart on my sleeve. Don't assume that because I'm left handed I spel everythin rong. *cough* Don't assume that because I read a lot comics I belong in Sci-Fi City off of Colonial. (aka Highway 50.) . . . (It's actually kinda a cool place though... Once you remove the stench of desperation and nerds.) . . . (Okay, that was mean.). . . . (I feel kinda bad now.)

Now boys and girls, that is a good example of someone being bad and assuming that a comic book/game/whatever store is covered with desperate guys.

(Might not be a bad assumption..)

Okay, I'm getting carried away.... Somebody stop me.

*Clears throat*


Thursday, October 18, 2012

27 random things that make me laugh harder than they should.

We all laugh. Every one does.

Well, almost everyone. As I was saying..... When you think about it, everyone's laugh is really annoying. I mean, normally we don't think about it at all, but when we start noticing each other's laughs, they're pretty annoying. Mine most definitely is. I annoy myself with it. It makes me want to stop laughing right then and there.

But I can't help it. There's just so darn much that makes me laugh....

For example...

1. Puns. It doesn't matter what kind. Good, bad, I like them all.

2. British comedies. (It gets really awkward when I watch those in the library at school... I literally cannot keep myself from laughing out loud.)

3. My sisters. When you get us all together (and we aren't arguing) we are making each other laugh hysterically.

4. Pearls Before Swine. The comic strip. (True story)

5. iCarly.

6. Van from Reba the T.V. show.

7. Russian accents. (Even when they're real, it's weird.)

8. People that act like: Apple. OR PC. You can ONLY. CHOOSE. ONE. (Actually they also really annoy me.)

9. Babies.

10. Watching hockey players stretch on the ice before a game.

11. The Tampa Bay Lightning girls. (Supposed cheerleaders on ice.)

12. Watching people freak out for no reason.

13. Guys that think they're awesome. (True story. That's right, I'm talking to you.)

14. Kanga and Roo.... Kanga, Roo.... Kanga-Roo..... KANGAROO!!!!! I get it now!!!

15. The beggining credits to "Chuck" (I laugh, or at least smile, every time I see the little nerd herd guy. :)

16. Cats

17. The newer Batman movies. Sorry, I've just never been able to watch them straight faced.

18. Seeing other people re-act to my "food modeling"

20. DC's early attempts at super heros. For example: Matter Eater Lad, Bouncing Boy, and The Legion of Superhero Pets.

21. The stupidity of the human race.

22. Right handed people that think being left handed is "Lame." Since when is being more rare than you "lame"?

23. Thor. Don't get me wrong, I love the guy.... He just still makes me laugh.... a lot.

24. Slinkies.

25. Veggie Tales spoofs. The Lord of the Beans still gets me.

26. Danny Kaye.

And finally.....

27. Certain SNL skits.

Well, that's all I got for today! :P Be talkin' at you soon.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Ode to Guy

Guy of Gisborne, How I miss thee.

Thy fitted leather of black 
Though noise it doth not lack.

Thou eyes so bright with guyliner on right.
And thyne enticing smirk where danger doth lurk.

I must admit I hath rolled mine eyes
When thou thyne sheriff doth chastise

Though I know thou loveth Marian
I canst help myself but be carin'

For thy bad boy appeal,
Unliketh Much or Will.

And now Robin is fine
It just seemeth by design

That thou hast caught mine eye,
Thus misunderstood Sir Guy

Sunday, October 14, 2012

26 random things that scare the poop out of me.

I don't scare/startle very easily, yet there are certain things that would make the best of us wet themselves.

AaaahhhhhH!!!!!!!! . . . Sorry, I just saw that picture, and it..... startled me.

As I was saying... I am no exception to this fact. I can pee myself with the best (and worst) of them. . . . Though I'm pretty well potty trained under stress.



Here is a list of 26 pretty random things that scare the poop out of me.

1. Kristen Stewart.

2. Writing papers.

3. Ghosts. . . and sheets with holes in them. AND regular sheets...

4. Sunlight.

5. Ringwriaths.

6. Things I don't understand.

7. Getting into the car when it's dark. . . I've seen too many movies where someone's hiding in the backseat.

8. Science.

9. Watching the last ten minutes of a crazed killer lifetime movie while it's dark outside.

11. The number ten.

12. Tuesday the 17th. Even my dad got a little edgy...

13. The so called "psychics" and "mediums" of real life.

14. My brother's toenail. . . . Seriously, it once fell off and he kept it on his nightstand for a while.

15. Purely evil people.

16. The thought of somebody chasing me with scissors. (Hair cut!!!)

17. Those dreams where you wake up falling.

18. Those dreams where everyone is dying. And you have to solve the mystery before it's too late!!

19. When the intense music starts to play in Nancy Drew pc games.

20. People with greasy hair.

21. The creepy clown that lives in my sister's closet and watches her as she sleeps. (I have several older brothers...)

22. When no one can hear you scream.

23. The thought of being stuck in the open ocean. (I can't swim proficiently...)

24. Michael Jackson.

25. Being followed by a punk with a gun in Philadelphia.

26. Thinking about watching The Exorcist.

I'm sure none of you guys can relate to any of this...

But, surely something scares the poop out of you. Think about it.

Or don't.

Now, I'm sure nobody's going to use this against me, with halloween coming up and all....... Right? ..

. . . . . ....


Friday, October 12, 2012

25 random things I'm going to do someday.

I like doing things, lots of things, a wide variety of things.

I'm am creating a list of 25 things that I am going to do. (or may have already done)

For those of you that are curious as to what I strive for in my life, here's a glimpse... On the random side.

1. Sneak around public with the Missions Impossible theme playing loudly in the background.

2. Go up to someone random in public and ask for their autograph, screaming like a fangirl meeting Robert Patinson.

3. Write and direct a major motion film.

4. Take a guy out with a cast iron frying pan.

5. Wear capes around target and say "No, it is I who will help you." when an employee asks if they can help me.

6. Create my own comic book.

7. Give my name at starbucks as "Pat M'hiney", hide in the corner, and not retrieve my order until they have to loudly announce the name several times.

8. Throw the ring into mt. Doom and still have all ten fingers intact afterwards.

9. Have my pie, and eat it too!

10. Pass out straws... that are all the same size.

11. Sip the last sup of my Dr. Pepper at a restaurant, then throw down my glass demanding "another".

12. Get dressed up really nice, pearls and all, then walk around referring formerly to everyone as "mortal".

13. Buy a ring and inform everyone I'm married to some guy. (Conveniently overseas or something... )

14. Make people laugh. (It will happen one of these days... )

15. Professionally go into the food modeling business. (Trust me, it's a booming business.)

16. Perform an embarrassing song in front of a room full of teenagers that think they're "all that" and have a blast!

17. Write Chris Hemsworth a letter, turning down his (not officially given) marriage proposal saying "I'm sorry, Steve asked first."

18. Convince John Williams to compose me an original score.

19. Marry a spy.

20. Make brownies. (The chocolate kind.)

21. Charge Helms Deep with my head held high.

22. Jump off a cliff.

23. Write someone a sincere letter written completely in novel, movie, and song quotes. then conclude with an alphabetized works cited page. (MLA style.)

24. Ask my dad what year he was born. Then laugh and then say, "No, really. What year were you born."

25. Obtain the role of a scary queen/witch thing. (a.k.a. Countess Blanca)

Believe it or not, I actually have done several of these before.

Especially 5, 9, and 15. Number 18 is still in the process. If you should like to contribute to that cause, subscribe and prove to Mr. Williams that I am worthy of an original score.

Or, if you shall like to compose me one yourself you know where you can find me.

Until then, compose wisely. (And intensely.)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

24 random things that I want.

I like stuff. And when I really REALLY like stuff, I want it. There are a LOT of things that I want, however, I believe I can narrow that list down to just some of the most random stuff that ya'll may or may not also want. {Mwahahahahahahahahahahahaha...... cough...... hahahahahahahahaha}

And so...


Without further fuss, I give you,

A list of 24 things that you can give me. :)

1. Fresh Oreos.

2. 800 million billion dollars.

3. An art studio that doubles as a retired airport hanger.

4. Good... no .. GREAT hair.

5. A long straw, .. or a medium straw...... just not the short straw....

6. Flowers. (Never fails.)

7. To marry Hawkeye, . . . Or Clint Barton, . . . Or somebody with Clint Barton's arms... . . .


.... . . . . *cough* . . . Anyway...

8. To have a (good) song written about me.

9. A personal body guard that looks like either Jason Bourne or *cough* Clint Barton.

10. To train at Sherwood School of Archery.

11. Let's face it...... Super powers.

12. A metal slinky. None of this plastic junk.

13. Socks.

14. A new black fuzzy blanky. (Mine is getting worn out.)

15. Hard copy books. On my shelf. Not "e" anything. On a tablet I don't have.

16. A guy following me with a boom-box constantly playing my "soundtrack". (a.k.a. songs that fit whatever is going on at the moment. Particularly the Mission Impossible theme song. ;)

17. A silver arrow.

18. BBC Robin Hood action figure.

19. Artist charcoal. (That would be an ironic thing to ask for for Christmas.)

20. Another bow would be pretty cool.

21. An anvil. (Don't ask...)

22. To have a surprise birthday party. (Seriously, I'll probably plan my own next year. :P)

23. The moon. It must be mine.

24. The world. The moon preferably, but the world is okay too. . . .

Not what you were expecting? Oh well. That's fine.

Sooo....... Christmas is coming up, and well. . . .

Just kidding.

Well, sort of.

23 random things that annoy me.

I can get annoyed by random things, I'm not usually mean about any of these, most of the time don't even say anything, however, they do annoy me. . . .

And now, without further ado, and in no particular order...

1. Bandwagon fans.

2. Short straws.

3. Glee.

4. Anything pistachio flavored. (Aside from pistachios...)

5. People that say I'm weird... Like it's a bad thing.

6. Lazy people. (all the time lazy, not just sometimes lazy.)

7. When a box of nerds only has tiny nerds, and no big clumps.

8. The one hundred million personalities of Jean Grey, seriously, they ruined her so bad they had to kill her off for good.

9. The last season of the BBC television series Robin Hood.

10. Books written in the first person. (With very few exceptions.)

11. The extreme hatred of Justin Bieber. I'm not a fan, but isn't plotting his death just WRONG??

12. Miley Cyrus.

13. Phil Coulson's death. (I'm still a bit bitter about that...)

14. When things are unbalanced.

15. When people give into tantrums.

16. Things that are popular for no apparent reason.

17. Jar Jar Binks.

18. Greasiness.

19. When characters change personalities. (Not develop, but change altogether.)

20. Wearing close toed shoes all day.

21. Broken crayons.

22. The color orange paired with the color blue.

23.  Most teenage girls nowadays.

That may seem like a lot, or a bit ridiculous... or something. But just try listing some of the random stuff that annoys you. That list will probably be longer than you think. (Hee hee hee) (< Stealth Laugh.)

Perhaps I shall soon bless yo'uns with 20 or so random things that I adore. :) (Though.... there might be a few actors on that list..... ;)

Until next time, don't annoy me.

Just kidding.

Kind of...

Monday, October 8, 2012

Such is life.


What is in that simple word that annoys so many people?

"Well, that's 'life'" or

"Such is 'life'" and let's not forget... (Drum-roll)

"'Life' sucks"

Why do people hate 'life' so much?

Well you know what they say.

"Haters gonna hate."

Are they? Are they really??

"Yes, yes they are." She said dramatically as she answered her own question to herself allowed, as everyone in the library awkwardly stared at her.... "They always do."

People are mean: This is about as true a statement that can ever be said.

That being said, I guess the only conclusion I can come to is that it is a good thing we have grace.

Grace is what makes life livable at all. I mean, usually when life 'sucks' it's because of some stupid mistake that we made in the first place. When we learn to show grace instead of being bitter about it, we tend to be less unhappy. It is an even truer statement to be said that we don't show grace enough. At all.

(Now don't you dare go all "Yeah! People don't show me enough grace!" on me.)

When I say we, I mean me. And I mean you. Too many times I find myself saying (or thinking) "That person is so stupid. They shouldn't be allowed to turn 18." or "They should never have kids." or perhaps "Why in the world does God even have them around?"

Whooooooaaaa........ Hold you're horses there Hannah! You've gone too far!!

(Yes, I am currently having a discussion with myself. It happens.)

Get over it! Sure they're stupid! Yeah they tell the world WAAYYYY more information than it wanted to know! So what, you don't know them. Give a little grace.

At the end of the day just moving on with your own life is better than focusing on the stupidity of others anyway.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I am finished with my skitsofrinic rant that made absolutely no sense.... I will go do something productive.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

YOUR face is pretty!!!

Ever insult your friends back and forth?

"Yeah? Well, you fight like a dairy farmer!!"

"How appropriate, you fight like a cow."

"Your face is a cow!!!"

(And so it continues for a while....)

"You're as repulsive as a monkey in a negligee."

"I look that much like your fiancee?!"

And after a while you get tired of the same old, same old.... At least i do. I like to mix up the show a bit, instead of tossing them a rhyming insult, or just tossing "your face" at the beggining of whatever you last said, I'll yell back a compliment. In an angry voice of course, but it usually ends with a blank stare for several seconds...

"YOUR face is pretty!!!"


It's really fun to get their reaction and you're not being mean!!

It's a win/win.

Next time you get mixed up in an insult fight, don't be mean, say something nice!..... (In an incredibly angry voice......)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My Fan Club.

I have a fan club.

I have about six fans personally. My fan club consist of eight people, and one honorary member.

It started about a year and a half ago when my brother gave me a fan that he had gotten in Japan. Then I carried it around a lot and those who didn't know my name knew me as that girl with the fan. By the begining  of this summer I had six fans.

This summer I was dorm leader to 8 girls for a week. It was awesome! Towards the end of the week I gave each of the girls a fan. Everyone else at this training camp was extremely jealous. (Even many of the guys.)

Especially one guy in particular, so much so, that I decided to give him one of my personal fans. (The pink one in the above picture.) He was so excited about his fan, he carried it everywhere the rest of the week. Despite teasing from others, it was pretty much the most awesome thing ever!! He even wrote "Heather's fan club" on it...... Only...... My name isn't Heather... (Later in the week we found he scratched out Heather's name and put in mine.) Hee hee hee.......

At the end of the week at the Commissioning Service I was unable to get a picture with my complete fan club. Sad day. However, I did get a picture with my biggest fan club member, Jesly.

Reports from over the summer say that he took his fan almost everyday... If not EVERY day... Indeed, I have the best fan club in the world.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Are you Russian? Random encounters.

I am not a very social person. Yet I always happen to have the strangest encounters with people I don't even know. Especially in the past few years.

And most of them are at my college.

One time last semester I was hurriedly rushing from one class to another balancing two school bags and a large portfolio with zero minutes to get from one class to another. (You see, I had one class that ended at 1:30 and another class that started at 1:30.) Just as I was passing a bench with a ragged older man curiously seated and mumbling to himself I realized he wasn't mumbling to himself, but to me.

"Miss." I slowed to a stop and turned toward the unsettling stranger...
"I said: Are you Russian?"
"No sir... I'm not..."
"Uh, no?"
"No sir, just plain ol' American."
"Well, you're really beautiful, thought I'd let you know."
"Uh... Thank you." I turned and quickly hurried off to my spanish class. It was definitely a good dinner table story that night.

Another time a lady paid me to apply to a job for her. (It didn't work)

And once, in the library at a computer a guy struck up a conversation with me because I was watching anime. (Howl's moving Castle)

And earlier today a guy sat next to me, said hi, went silent, complimented me on my laptop, then just moved on.

I wish I could share all my random encounters, but alas I'm afraid I am not done experiencing them in the least. So perhaps another time I can share more.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

You think I'm weird? Get over it.

You don't like me? Who cares. Get over it.

You don't like my acne? I can't change the fact that I have big pores, get over it.

You don't like how I get obnoxious and talk loud around a lot of people? So what, get over it.

You don't like how I can also get extremely shy around people I don't know? GET over it.

You think my clothes look dated or frumpy sometimes? Why does it even matter? Get OVER it.

I'm annoying because I use "baby words" like "bloody pumpernickel" instead of profanity? No. Get. Over. It.

I can be really awkward, and this annoys you. Too bad. It's who I am. Get over it.

I don't like to wear make-up every where I go, and you think I look plain. Seriously? Thanks. Get over it.

You can't stand my singing. Too bad. Don't play music I like out loud, OR get over it.

So I'm just a little larger than other people, and I'm not a rail. This bothers you. How shallow are you? Get over IT.

So I can quote every line from Star Wars and this embarrasses you? GET OVER IT.... And I disown you.

I don't wear bikinis, get over it.

You don't like how much mascara I wear? Seriously? For the last time, get over it.

The fact of the matter is, I am me. I might not be popular, pretty, outgoing and everything you want me to be.  But I cannot change who I am. And the things that I can change I will never change for YOU. I will only change them for God.

Romans 8:31 "What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?"

Nobody else matters. Nobody.

If you can look past all of my imperfections by the standard of the world and still be my friend that is awesome!

But if you are going to let shallow things get in the way of making a friend, then I will tell you now. Get lost.

Accept me the way God made me, or get over it.

No, I'm not sick. I just look like this.

I am a very VERY fair skinned person. I easily sunburn, and have had sunburn fever more than once. (Yes, it's a real thing, trust me.)

On top of that I bruise pretty easily.

That means whenever I go out wearing shorts I look like a vampire who was beaten. (If that even makes sense.... vampires don't get bruises, they don't have blood... duh.)

Okay, that was an exaggeration. But I do try to avoid shorts... I wear jeans a lot.

Today in my Biology class my teacher used me as an example while talking about skin cancer.

"Hannah," She pointed to me, who was quietly hiding in the back row. "would be more susceptible to skin cancer because of her fair pigmented skin...." .... Or something like that.

I've gotten jokes too, but not mean ones. I laugh about it myself.

"Hannah's so pale, she gives the SUN cancer."

(That actually wasn't my joke, just applies well.)

Well, you guys get the point. I'm pale. I sunburn way easily. And when people see me walking down the street they have to wear sunglasses just to look at me.... etc. etc.... Kind of...

Let me just say, I prefer being myself pale, than fake orange, or even natural looking fake stuff...

It's me. It's who I am. Accept it, or get over it.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Dog sitting.

I dog sat this weekend.

That is, from 7:30 a.m. Friday morning, until 6:00 p.m. yesterday evening, baby sitting three great-stinkin'-GIANT-danes.

I arrived at the house shortly before 7:30 and watched helplessly as the owner of these dogs ran back and forth picking up last minute packing items and constantly informing me of how horrified she was that these "horses" kept jumping on me. I had actually received the worst of my wounds while their owner was still standing there.

As soon as she had left, the dogs died.

Not literally, but they did look quite like "zombies" walking around the house. Friday, the first day was long and boring. I fed the dogs, did some homework, looked around the house at all of the layers upon layers of dust... it was quite disgusting. I brought in all of my stuff from the car and closed it off in the bathroom so that the dogs could not drool all over it.

I luckily had time to escape to go get lunch and buy a can of lysol and bottle of disinfecting wipes. Though the dogs were not to be left alone for more than three hours, so when I got back I fed them again. and used at least half of the wipes on various surfaces around the living room that we would surly use over the weekend.

The rest of friday was mostly spent vacuming what I could, spraying the lysol, letting the dogs out, wiping the coffee table, throwing away six (now black) wipes used to wipe off the coffee table, letting the dogs back in, spraying more lysol, feeding the dogs, vacuming more....

And then, at last, my sister showed up! I would not go on this endeavor alone! We took several trips to the car. On the return of the last trip the door to the courtyard (Not nearly as cool as it sounds) wouldn't open, the door handle was broken, and my sister and I were locked outside of even the back yard.

I was brave, no one could dispute that. I walked around to the back, and scaled the fence that was at least SIX FEET TALL. I thoroughly impressed myself. I let my sister in and after that had a mostly boring and uneventful night.

The next day went about the same, we did school, sprayed lysol, wiped grime from the table again, only we made a trip home to eat dinner and shower. (We didn't really trust the showers at the house.)

Upon returning we found a despicable thing. The dogs, or at least one of them in particular, the youngest, had found a way into the bathroom where most of our belongings were hiding out. Luckily he didn't mess with too much, ripped up a roll of toilet paper... and then... I saw it.

My converse all-stars on the ground at my feet. Wet with dog slobber, a rip torn in the heel. Fixable.... but, no. You never mess with someone's converse. I was NOT happy with this dog and he knew it. for the next thirty minutes all it took was a stern look from me and a stomp of the foot and he would back away. . . . And then he forgot all about it and came and slobbered all over me again.

The next day went pretty much the same... A bit redundant. We did school, we sprayed more lysol. Wiped more dust and filth. We went home, had dinner took showers, only this time before we left we made sure that the dogs could not get into the bathroom. When we returned we were happy to see all of the pillows still on the couch. . . And then, a brown leather strap on the ground. Pretty much the only thing out of place. I knew exactly what it went to. My new fedora.

We went back into the bedroom and there it was, crumpled and wet on the floor. Then we looked at the bed, all of my blankets and pillows were thrown onto the floor. Yet my sister's, who had all of her stuff right next to mine, was untouched. This dog was specifically targeting my stuff!!! He knew I wasn't happy with him either, we put him outside for a while, and he knew I was mad at him.

The next day, the last day, went by rather uneventful. As soon as the lady returned home, we received our pay and got out of there as fast as we could. We told her that we would be willing to dogsit again if she needed us. But I can't say it's top on the list of things I'd do.

We were finally done. Away from that house. Away from the stench of dog. (Though not the stench left on ourselves from the venture) The first thing I sought out once I was home was a shower. To wash myself of that venture.

Hopefully I will be able to repair my shoes.

Remind me to NEVER EVER have an inside dog.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Frustrating "Times"

FACT: I tend to get frustrated over silly things.

I'm usually pretty good at suppressing it, but after a while it gets to where the littlest thing sets me off.

It's the most annoying thing in the world. (You can ask.)

Well, a couple of days ago I got so frustrated with all kinds of random things about life in general that i just didn't really get it, I gave up. I went off alone and by myself. (Yes they are two different things) I pulled out my notebook and just started pounding out all of my random frustrations and thoughts into writing.

Well, when I had satisfied myself, and cooled down quite a bit, I took a look at what I wrote and thought "Hey! That could be a song!". I had a true Music and Lyrics moment. Upon further inspection, I realized that it pretty much already IS a song.

The song it resembled is a very good song, much better than anything I really could have written, though it nicely expressed how I felt at the time.

And so, in conclusion, here is the song that resembled my frustration....

I know I need You
I need to love You
I love to see You, but it's been so long
I long to feel You
I feel this need for You
And I need to hear You, is that so wrong? 

Now You pull me near You
When we're close, I fear You
Still I'm afraid to tell You, all that I've done
Are You done forgiving? 
Oh can You look past my pretending? 
Lord, I'm so tired of defending, what I've become
What have I become? 

I hear You say, 
"My love is over. It's underneath.
It's inside. It's in between.
The times you doubt Me, when you can't feel.
The times that you question, 'Is this for real? '
The times you're broken.
The times that you mend.
The times that you hate Me, and the times that you bend.
Well, My love is over, it's underneath.
It's inside, it's in between.
These times you're healing, and when your heart breaks.
The times that you feel like you're falling from grace.
The times you're hurting.
The times that you heal.
The times you go hungry, and are tempted to steal.
The times of confusion, in chaos and pain.
I'm there in your sorrow, under the weight of your shame.
I'm there through your heartache.
I'm there in the storm.
My love I will keep you, by My power alone.
I don't care where you fall, where you have been.
I'll never forsake you, My love never ends.
It never ends."

"Times", by Tenth Avenue North.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My Momma

I was sitting in my speech class earlier today. We were suppose to give an on the spot two-ish minute speech on our "Hero", and we had about ten minutes to prepare.

The first person who popped into my head was my Momma, though I pushed that idea aside knowing that many of the the other students would talk about their moms. (As if they had anything on my Momma) ... But that was what got me. Nobody else's mom had a single thing on my Momma, (No offense to momma's of the world) after all, she is MY Momma. She gave birth to me on a tuesday in April, as June Alison movies played on an old television in the hospital. She let me chew on her knees while she helped my brothers and sisters with their school. She'd hold me and sing to me (Her little pappoos) despite my embarrassment, and pleas for her to stop. She would laugh, but not remove me from her lap.

My Momma would let me come outside and help her on her latest furniture building projects. For when I was little, I wanted to grow up and become a carpenter on the TLC show "Trading Spaces" (That dream fell apart rather quickly...) My Momma taught me how to read, how to write, how to count... She taught me my manners, to respect others even when they push you down, to be kind... most of all, my Momma taught me the ability to learn. To not be arrogant and believe that nobody else could show me how to improve.

My Momma loves every last one of her eight children dearly, and has such great empathy for every one of us. She is always there for us and always, ALWAYS puts the needs of our family above her own. Something my Momma has always wanted, even though it might sound a tad silly, is a chicken coop. My Dad had been setting money aside and gave her the money for the coop. My Momma got excited and we started clearing some of our property where we would put this coop. Alas, our well pump broke, and we needed a new well dug. We aren't a poor family by any stretch of the imagination, but unforeseen happenstances such as this weren't exactly in our budget. My Momma, against the wishes of all of us, gave the money from her long wished for chicken coop and paid for the new well to be dug. And still, my Momma does not have a chicken coop. If there was one thing I was able to give to me Momma, it would be a lovely chicken coop, with several fat and happy hens to lay fresh eggs for her.

I decided to continue on with my Momma being my Hero, because she is. Though I was unable to fit all that my Momma is in two minutes (Or four... I might have gone over on time...) I hope that she one day will understand what she means to all of her children, and how she has impacted our lives for the better in every way possible.

I hope that I will one day be as wonderful, caring, and loving a mother as my Momma is.

I love you Momma.

The fiddle is on the roof, and you are in the doghouse.


A friend of mine had just informed me that they had never seen The Fiddler on the Roof.

"I really don't know it, like I've heard if I were a rich man or something." 

At this point I truly hoped that they were just messing with me. Though, I could not tell for sure, so I did what anybody would do...


And it is true. It must be a sin of some sort to have NEVER seen The Fiddler on the Roof.

Well.... That might be a bit of an exaggeration. However, it is a wonderful example of a Classic. It shows a hard time in history, it is a drama. A comedy. And even a little action. There are timeless musical numbers that are still sung today. And every single time my Momma watches her favorite movie (The Fiddler on the Roof, of course.) she cries, at LEAST once.

I know that there are millions who have never seen this movie, among many other classics that everyone should see.. Such as, The sound of Music, The Man from the Snowy River, and Newsies. ;) 

It is very saddening... In fact, I was so disappointed, that I haven't talked to that friend since... Well, kinda.

The fact remains that I am truly disappointed with my friend, and it will be a while before they have redeemed themselves in their taste in the "Media Classics".  

*Tisk tisk tisk*....   

Monday, September 10, 2012

TBH...... Seriously??

Wow, that term really bothers me. TBH??? No. In fact, it makes me want to make something completely up... 

Ex. "Tbh, I'm so totally over Colin Firth."

Bahahahahahaha!! . .... That was funny. And completely NOT true. 

Okay. I'll be legitimate. . . ...

I was born, and have been raised in the hot and humid state of Florida. I have lived in the same modest house down the same bumpy dirt road; in the same small town, my entire life. However, unlike most, I have loved it very much. On top of living in a "backward red-neck village" (As many have so lovingly called it.) 

I graduated from High School having never attended a public, or a private school. That's right, I was home-schooled. Now before you go trying to stereotype me, be aware of the fact that I would not fit in any mold the world has made today. (Or any mold that might be invented in the near future... That is, unless I invent a time warping machine in the future, and bring an alternate mold to the year I was born...)

Yes, I was raised home-schooled, and it is true that I have attended church regularly my entire life. However, unlike most stereotyped "home-schooled country bumpkins" I have a great interest in many random things... Such as comic books (usually Marvel), movies, writing, art and many other things not usually associated with my kind. If you continue to read any posts I may . .. .. post, you will see that I am a well rounded individual with some seriously random quotes and references up my hooded green cloak's sleeve. (As in you most likely won't even recognize them...)

And in conclusion, I did not, repeat, did NOT just now dis Colin Firth in any way, shape, and/or form. 

And in further conclusion, while I love Matthew McFadden, Firth's Darcy was WAYY better. 

(Not that that has to do with absolutely anything here...)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Introducing Me

Hello, My name is Georgiana,

Here is a random list of my accomplishments and other random facts about myself.

1. I have won an award in an "Art show"
2. I love cooking.
3. My hair sheds a lot when the wether changes.
4. You don't want me to cook for you in the spring.
5. I live in Florida, but it is impossible for me to tan.
6. I don't get "sun-kissed" skin, I get "sun-raped" skin.
7. I'm addicted to all the normal things... Sugar, Coffee, Sugar, Sugar, Orange Fanta, Sugar... etc. etc.
8. I partake in normal pass-times: School, Arts/Crafts, Knitting, Sky sailing.
9. I can harmonize... With myself.
10. I once starred in a movie. . . I played a Scary witch. a.k.a. "Countess Blanca" (She was a complex character who ate cats, but did not swallow them)
11. I can hold my breath for ten seconds.
12. Some people like to call me a "Jedi-Knight", but I prefer "Jedi-Ninja".
13. When I turned sixteen I went to the DMV and came back with a license to kill.
14. George Washington was my great great great great great great uncle..... or something.
15. When it comes to insult sword fighting, I am unrivaled. (Insult arm-wrestling is a different story.)

*Note: MOST of the above are TRUE.
However, due to having received letters of complaint I can no longer claim to be Jack Sparrow's personal powder monkey. OR Legolas' personal hair stylist.

*Further Note: "Georgiana" is NOT my natural name. It's my SUPERNATURAL name.