Praise Jesus! My family is back! And it's about time. Despite what it might have looked like by view of my blog it's been pretty crazy here. Whoo....
The week was pretty crazy though. On friday we had a CA-razy time at Good News Clubs at the local elementary school. (A child evangelism after school program.) All of the little "angels" were INSANE, we suspect it was a leftover sugar high from halloween.
However that evening I went to a costume party. I put on all my best attire. (Cape, sword, guns, feathers, the whole works.) However, unlike everyone else, my costume did not consist of things that were purchased to be a costume. They were things that I have collected over the years because I genuinely have an interest in the like. Therefore I wasn't technically wearing a costume. Just clothes that were strange.

"Lemme guess, Zelda?? Er,, Link?"
"Legolas right?"
"Are you another Katniss??"
"Well, from the waist down you look all vampire slayer. Yet from the waist up it looks Assassn's Creed meets Robin Hood."
I couldn't really answer people when they asked who I was. My costume was original, not copying a character. Duh. So I had a different answer each time.
"Katniss after she went insane."
"Hillary Clinton with guns."
and my personal favorite...
"What costume?"
Refusing to acknowledge that I was wearing a costume of any sorts. "I always dress like this."
It was a fun night. Probably the highlight of the whole week. My sisters and I went shopping on saturday, and had a full random whatever tv marathon on sunday. Untilpa. Mypa. Parentspa. Finallypa. Gotpa. Homepa. (That sunday evening.)
It was about time. Most adult things I can handle. But parent things are way out of my league. That's right, I'm not ashamed to say it.
Boys and girls this now concludes are eventful series on "Whoo-hoo! Parents are outta town!!", THE END
Hahaha, this made me laugh. I'm not quite sure why... But it did.