Now if what they said while being mean was true or something.... then yeah, it'd be a bit different.

When I get angry, or ooberly frustrated, my mouth (or fingers) start sending messages that my brain hasn't approved of yet. These messages are usually things that I know for a fact will cut hard at the other person. It's a talent that nobody should have, yet so many do. It's disgusting.
The worst part is, when the other person just stops. Stops arguing back, stops fighting, stops talking, everything stops. I have been so terrible that they give up. There is a twitch of satisfaction, but that is before the realization sets in. I have killed my friend.
The poopiest of poops is when they won't even hear me apologize. When I have hurt them so much they won't even look at, or accept my apology.
That saying "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." was said by the biggest chronic liar in the world. (That, or they were deaf.)
Words hurt. They hurt more than guns, or whips, or the gnashing of teeth, words start wars, words kill millions, words can do more harm with one flick of the tongue than an atomic bomb. At least with a bomb *boom* you're dead, but with words you have to live,-suffer through the pain, and even after apologies remove that knife there will always, ALWAYS be a scar.
James, he was a pretty cool guy. He wrote a really cool book and in it he addresses words and stuff... You should read it sometime. But in it he says
"but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison." (James 3:8 ESV)
He goes on to say:
"With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so." (James 3:9-10 ESV)
I do not use this for an excuse, "It's untamable, so it's not my fault..."
Guys, the tongue may be untamable, but we are not! We control our own bodies, and when we know we'll end up saying or doing something stupid if we're put in a certain situation (wait for it....) DON'T PUT YOURSELF IN THAT SITUATION!!! At least 90% of arguments don't need to have been had. Things I say all the time I wish I could take back, but I cannot. And just like the people I hurt with my villianous ability to blindly blurt stupidly mean things must live being hurt by what I have said to them, I have to live knowing that no matter how sorry I am I can never unsay a thing once said.
Let us all hold each other accountable for potty training our mouths.
That is all I have fore today, thank you.
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