Saturday, November 3, 2012

28 random things about me that are "unusual."

I'm not normal, hopefully you know this by now. Because if you don't, well then... you should re-read (or perhaps first-read) some older blog posts. They will either remind you (or in general show you for a firsties) of how weird and strange I am, OR how much like me you are. We shall see my young padawon, we shall see.

Well, you know... oh wait, no you don't. Let me tell you. In 28 randomly, and nermically organized order... if that makes any sense. I'm confused.

1. I do not speak the same dialect of english as most "English-speaking" people. You will find words such as "indeed" and even "bloody pumpernickel" in my vocabulary. I know those aren't the strangest ones I use... but to be quite frank with you I can't seem to think of anymore.

2. When I was twelve I specifically asked for the 1938 Robin Hood soundtrack for Christmas. This was the same Christmas that I received a green hooded cape from my brother (brilliant gift by the by) and a wooden handmade longbow from my parents. I was taller than I was at the time.

3. I once OD'd on hotdogs and ever since have not been able to look at one without wanting to throw up. Everywhere.

4. I've generally had the same hairstyle since I was fifteen.

5. I'm NOT in love with Johnny Depp. That guy that everyone seems to love.

6. I have affectively been in love with a fictional/legendary character since I was 12. This has not changed, if he appeared today and asked me to marry him, I would look at him and say "You busy right now? Let's do this thing."

7. This fictional/legendary character may or may not be Robin Hood.

8. I tend to put on my green hooded cape while I clean my room. Or randomly when I am not in the greatest of moods.

9. I still have a blankie.

10. Eight is one of my favorite numbers.

11. I have only ever sorta cried in one movie. Ever. It sorta mighta kinda been at the part in Tangled where Eugene died.

12. What costume? This is what I look like.

13. I plea the fifth commandment. . . Wait....

14. This is embarrassing. I meant third commandment.

15. I believe in guns. They exist. I know they do!!

16. I could listen to a random song from a soundtrack and give a pretty accurate guess as to who composed it. (This is a game I play with my sister's. Fo real.)

17. My media expertise ranges from Clint Barton (And his shmexy arms) to George, of the Knightly clan, to Archie Kennedy. (Midshipman and loyal friend of Horatio Hornblower.)

18. I am one of few who believe Bob Ross is the master commander when it comes to painting.

19. I have decided to name my first son Giaus Tiberious Whatevermylastnameis. (Don't ask)

20. The pinky is the ninja finger.

21. Ski-doosh. #YODO (YODO: You Only Die Once)

22. I use weird voices by default when I'm getting tired. Wether or not I realize that I'm tired.

23. I can count super high. Trust me, I did it once when I was eight.

24. I am really pale. I am human. But pale. Not sick. But pale. I lack the ability to tan.


25. Automatic toilets scare me. They always go off before you even stand up. I mean fo real.

26. I am a cylon. *Insert "All along the Watchtower" sound clip here*

27. Gosh, I'm counting pretty high today aren't I? Well, I DID get more than decent grades in first grade math. :)

28. My sisters and I have coined the phrase "melestache" referring to a creepy mustache.

Now you might could possible see a little bit into this twisted brain of mine, I hope you have a better understanding of me.... Or maybe not so much.


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