Wednesday, December 12, 2012

It's the End of the World!! Everybody Panic!!

I know they found another Mayan calendar that continues life much further, so everyone is allowed to calm down now. Woo hoo, whipee, only another hundred years or so before they make more doomsday movies... or not.

But here's a crazy thought, what IF the world really does end?

What if, in about 8 days on the winter solstice the world ends??

What do we do with the last 8, very short, days we have left?!?!

Do we warn the citizens of large cities?? Roaming the streets yelling "The End is Nigh!!!!"??
Do we spend all our money in the casinos and party it up? Open all our Christmas gifts early?? Pull out the big guns and shoot at anyone that comes on our land???

Oh, wait... We do that anyway.

You gotta protect land. Money comes and goes. People do too. But land, it's constant, it remains.... *cough* Excuse my random rant on land... Where was I?

Oh, yeah! If we really had just 8 days left to live normally, before the end of the world began. (because lets face it, it wouldn't be all at once. It would happen slowly...) Before mass chaos breaks out, before the world would be dramatically changed forever...

If you knew you only had 8 days left to live the life that you were currently living? What would you do? I know that people like to have the attitude "Live like it's your last day on earth!" as an excuse to be lazy with their lives and party. But if I knew it was my last day to live, why would I waste it partying? Emphasis on waste. 

Personally, if I knew for a fact that I only had 8 days left of normal living, I'd do nothing. I would act like all is normal. (Aside from making a trip to walmart and buying TONS of ammo.) As much as I can complain, and get annoyed and blah blah about all my problems, and vent, and whatever else I do, I like this life.

I love my family, I love my friends, and when the end comes I would cherish the memories all the more. Instead of drinking myself to oblivion and partying my days away, or going of on a cruise, or flying to New Zealand (which is very tempting by the by) I shall merely live.

And in 8 days, when the world probably won't end, I shall have dinner as normal with my family.


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