Thursday, October 11, 2012

24 random things that I want.

I like stuff. And when I really REALLY like stuff, I want it. There are a LOT of things that I want, however, I believe I can narrow that list down to just some of the most random stuff that ya'll may or may not also want. {Mwahahahahahahahahahahahaha...... cough...... hahahahahahahahaha}

And so...


Without further fuss, I give you,

A list of 24 things that you can give me. :)

1. Fresh Oreos.

2. 800 million billion dollars.

3. An art studio that doubles as a retired airport hanger.

4. Good... no .. GREAT hair.

5. A long straw, .. or a medium straw...... just not the short straw....

6. Flowers. (Never fails.)

7. To marry Hawkeye, . . . Or Clint Barton, . . . Or somebody with Clint Barton's arms... . . .


.... . . . . *cough* . . . Anyway...

8. To have a (good) song written about me.

9. A personal body guard that looks like either Jason Bourne or *cough* Clint Barton.

10. To train at Sherwood School of Archery.

11. Let's face it...... Super powers.

12. A metal slinky. None of this plastic junk.

13. Socks.

14. A new black fuzzy blanky. (Mine is getting worn out.)

15. Hard copy books. On my shelf. Not "e" anything. On a tablet I don't have.

16. A guy following me with a boom-box constantly playing my "soundtrack". (a.k.a. songs that fit whatever is going on at the moment. Particularly the Mission Impossible theme song. ;)

17. A silver arrow.

18. BBC Robin Hood action figure.

19. Artist charcoal. (That would be an ironic thing to ask for for Christmas.)

20. Another bow would be pretty cool.

21. An anvil. (Don't ask...)

22. To have a surprise birthday party. (Seriously, I'll probably plan my own next year. :P)

23. The moon. It must be mine.

24. The world. The moon preferably, but the world is okay too. . . .

Not what you were expecting? Oh well. That's fine.

Sooo....... Christmas is coming up, and well. . . .

Just kidding.

Well, sort of.

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