Monday, October 8, 2012

Such is life.


What is in that simple word that annoys so many people?

"Well, that's 'life'" or

"Such is 'life'" and let's not forget... (Drum-roll)

"'Life' sucks"

Why do people hate 'life' so much?

Well you know what they say.

"Haters gonna hate."

Are they? Are they really??

"Yes, yes they are." She said dramatically as she answered her own question to herself allowed, as everyone in the library awkwardly stared at her.... "They always do."

People are mean: This is about as true a statement that can ever be said.

That being said, I guess the only conclusion I can come to is that it is a good thing we have grace.

Grace is what makes life livable at all. I mean, usually when life 'sucks' it's because of some stupid mistake that we made in the first place. When we learn to show grace instead of being bitter about it, we tend to be less unhappy. It is an even truer statement to be said that we don't show grace enough. At all.

(Now don't you dare go all "Yeah! People don't show me enough grace!" on me.)

When I say we, I mean me. And I mean you. Too many times I find myself saying (or thinking) "That person is so stupid. They shouldn't be allowed to turn 18." or "They should never have kids." or perhaps "Why in the world does God even have them around?"

Whooooooaaaa........ Hold you're horses there Hannah! You've gone too far!!

(Yes, I am currently having a discussion with myself. It happens.)

Get over it! Sure they're stupid! Yeah they tell the world WAAYYYY more information than it wanted to know! So what, you don't know them. Give a little grace.

At the end of the day just moving on with your own life is better than focusing on the stupidity of others anyway.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I am finished with my skitsofrinic rant that made absolutely no sense.... I will go do something productive.

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