I'm am creating a list of 25 things that I am going to do. (or may have already done)
For those of you that are curious as to what I strive for in my life, here's a glimpse... On the random side.
1. Sneak around public with the Missions Impossible theme playing loudly in the background.
2. Go up to someone random in public and ask for their autograph, screaming like a fangirl meeting Robert Patinson.
3. Write and direct a major motion film.
4. Take a guy out with a cast iron frying pan.
5. Wear capes around target and say "No, it is I who will help you." when an employee asks if they can help me.
6. Create my own comic book.
7. Give my name at starbucks as "Pat M'hiney", hide in the corner, and not retrieve my order until they have to loudly announce the name several times.
8. Throw the ring into mt. Doom and still have all ten fingers intact afterwards.
9. Have my pie, and eat it too!
10. Pass out straws... that are all the same size.
11. Sip the last sup of my Dr. Pepper at a restaurant, then throw down my glass demanding "another".
12. Get dressed up really nice, pearls and all, then walk around referring formerly to everyone as "mortal".
13. Buy a ring and inform everyone I'm married to some guy. (Conveniently overseas or something... )
14. Make people laugh. (It will happen one of these days... )
15. Professionally go into the food modeling business. (Trust me, it's a booming business.)
16. Perform an embarrassing song in front of a room full of teenagers that think they're "all that" and have a blast!
17. Write Chris Hemsworth a letter, turning down his (not officially given) marriage proposal saying "I'm sorry, Steve asked first."
18. Convince John Williams to compose me an original score.
19. Marry a spy.
20. Make brownies. (The chocolate kind.)
21. Charge Helms Deep with my head held high.
22. Jump off a cliff.
23. Write someone a sincere letter written completely in novel, movie, and song quotes. then conclude with an alphabetized works cited page. (MLA style.)
24. Ask my dad what year he was born. Then laugh and then say, "No, really. What year were you born."
25. Obtain the role of a scary queen/witch thing. (a.k.a. Countess Blanca)
Believe it or not, I actually have done several of these before.
Especially 5, 9, and 15. Number 18 is still in the process. If you should like to contribute to that cause, subscribe and prove to Mr. Williams that I am worthy of an original score.
Or, if you shall like to compose me one yourself you know where you can find me.
Until then, compose wisely. (And intensely.)
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