Thursday, October 25, 2012

Whoo-hoo! Parents are outta town!! Part: 1 It's..... STUDY time!!!

I live at home. (That's funny, people usually live at their "home", right?)

Being a college student I was unable to partake on the annual journey to my grandparents house because it is taken in the middle of the fall semester of school, and regrettably, my school doesn't get a fall break like everywhere else. Yeah, figures.

Anyway, this means that when the rest of my family goes, I stay home. Not alone though, I have a few siblings who also stay, either they are also in school or have "big-kid" jobs. Sooooo?????? Party time right??? YES!

The first day with the 'rents gone my sister and I snuggle down for a day full of lifetime movies (that had a strange "baby" theme.) . . . (And the guy from BSG.) Aaaaaand....... Wait for iiiiitt. School. We got a lot done.

However, that evening? We party'd it up. I made French Onion Soup, tomatoes with olive oil and the seasonings, and of course bread and cheese. Then we (meaning almost all the in town sibs) watched. Fast. Five.

They went tooo......... "BRA-ZZZZZILLL"

*cough cough*

Anyway.... The next day we went back to work. Literally. I went to work first thing and did a bunch more homework and whatnot through the weekend.... That is, aside from when we were at church, or went out to breakfast, or had an Italian evening. Monday was school, tuesday was babysitting an adorable little girl. Wednesday was school again, and visit nephew, (Nephew shout out!!) then AWANA. Thursday was studying.... and babysitting an adorable little girl. Friday is going to be dedicated to Good News Club. :)

This was the first week of my families fall trip to TN. Perhaps the second will be more exhilarating. Then again... there might just be a lot more studying. Who knows?? I for one don't.

To be completely truthful I've been pretty stressed out this week. Saturday at work I learned that my boss can no longer afford to employ me, not to mention I have an important test on monday, and of course all the other dramas that being a girl entails (aka, regular people drama.) Let's pray that my next week is a little less.... Well, let's just pray my next week is a little less.

Galatians 5:1

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