Instead of You Only Live Once, it's You'll Only Live As Long As You Regenerate.
The show never even tries to be close to real life. The Doctor's nemesis's are over-sized garbage cans turned upside down with a plunger strapped to one side and wisk on the other, for crying out loud!!
It's a good thing it doesn't claim to be too real. Because, we don't have #YOLALAYR. We have it's more sad realization #YOLO. Only once. Not twice. Not three times. No do overs or second chances.
Very sadly enough we each only have one life to do with as we please. And even more sadly, I can't decide what you do with your life.
I can't constantly hit you upside the head with a Louisville slugger every time you make an unwise decision. That's right. It's your decision. Though, whoever decided it was your decision to be stupid.... hmm....
I wonder how often God feels like this. He gives us advice and guidance directly through the Bible, as well as through our own walk with Him. Yet, we are idiots. We are so lucky to have the ultimate example spelled out in black and white (and red). We have it on our phones, mp3 devices, tablets, e-readers. We have email reminders, we receive the verse of the day texts. We wear t-shirts with verses tacked onto them. We have absolutely every convenience known to man and yet we still use every possible excuse... or "reason" to delay actually delving face first into just reading, studying, enthrolling ourselves in the word of the Lord.
I realize all too well that merely opening your Bible doesn't make your life better. And I know first hand that sometimes it's hard to make time for God.
Pause ▐▐
Perhaps this is where our troubles lay?
We should not be "making time for God". Ideally we should be so deep and enthralled in Him that it's everything else we are making time for.
I have nothing else to say.