Today I want to explain how there is no way I belong in this day and age. Though there are many numerous reasons I shall attempt to only provide nine, as specified in the discription.
1. In comparison with all the other young ladies out there, I'm an old lady.
From the way I dress, to the way I talk, to my expectations of others. Apparently I'm just too old.
2. My language.
Not only the fact that I try to avoid using "idk" and/or "btw" but the foulness of language looming in the air nowadays disgusts me. It just sounds gross. Completely unrefined. And, a HUGE turn off... Many many more consider this a notion that's just too far gone for today's society, or just unrealistic, I say they're just dumb.
3. My morals.
I am what many would consider "backwoods" and "old-fashioned" when it comes to many many many things. I have been called a "prude" multiple times.
4. Old people like me.
I'm honestly not sure why on this one. But I know a lot of older people that really like me. It's too bad none of the have billionaire grandson's to marry off.
5. My Ideals.
AGAIN, many find it odd, old fashioned, and I've even heard it called "selfish" to want to get married, have children, and stay at home caring for said children. (In that order!) Ihonestly don't know how someone found that "selfish" but I have heard it called such.... 0.o
6. I would rather listen to a radio station playing old hymns than modern "Christian pop"
It's true... Not that I really have anything against Christian pop. I just like old worship songs. I'm traditional like that.
7. I'm not going to ask a guy out.
Even though I MIGHT have asked a guy to a dance earlier this year.... *cough* Sadie Hawkins *cough* Girls ask the guys *cough* (always a surprise)
8. I generally prefer old movies.
From Fred and Ginger to Charlie Chaplan. I just prefer the oldies.
9. I wear a pocket watch, and carry a fan.
It's true. I do. I've spoken of my fan club before.
And that, my friends, (all three readers) is why I do not truly belong to this generation.
muwahahh, Anonymous comment/rebuttal;
ReplyDelete1. Having Expectations of a higher magnitude isn't archaic, its probably never been very common.
2. btw idk my bff jil. Totes youre right tho.
3. Christians should share your moral code, so youre not alone. However, we are few in past, present and future. The grass is always greener in the past.
4. Cant argue with that.
5. Thats the opposite of selfish. Creating people for the sake of giving your life/time-span of earthly existence for theirs and not concerning yourself with the pursuit of $$$.
6. Word.
7. Good call.
8. Those are reaaalllyy Old.
9. write in quill and ink for the next blog, otherwise your claims of being bygone are invalid.