Thursday, January 10, 2013

Grace Grace Moore? That makes about as much sense as a one legged reindeer.

I don't always get right to sleep when I climb into bed. Often times I will be lying in bed for hours trying to get to sleep, I'll distract myself by reading, writing, doodling... and being a girl I usually just end up thinking a lot.

(Now I'm not implying that guys don't think... But clearly they just don't think as much.)

Most of these "thinking" episodes involve me analyzing myself. And I'll tell you a secret, I don't usually like what I see. I am not a super insecure person. I was when I was younger, but I was very fortunate in that God helped me through almost all of that before I graduated High-School. But I look at myself, and the way I live my life, the way I treat my friends, my relationship with God and I think:

"Wow, I am not a good person at all."

And I further this by wondering:

"Why do people even like me?" And "How do I even have friends?"

I'll tell you how, by the grace of God, that's how. I'm not very good at just accepting God's graces. I don't deserve that! I should die!! I'm a terrible person! I know I'm forgiven, I'm eternally grateful for that, honestly. You know people like to say we're "washed clean with God's grace." But I like how I heard my brother put it once, "Being water-boarded with God's grace." All I'm thinking is how much longer can this go? How much longer can I be forgiven? 'Cus I'll tell ya, it's been well over seventy times seven times...

It's all irony too. Has anyone every noticed how God likes irony? You see, my middle name is "Grace". What's more than that is my first name is "Hannah" which means grace. So my name is Grace Grace Moore.

Wait, what?

You're saying I have more grace than anyone else? Because that makes about as much sense as a one legged reindeer... (a.k.a. not much sense) ... I'm terrible at showing grace! I'm terrible at accepting grace, and I'm not even a graceful person in general! (I trip on everything!!)

So why does God show me and anyone else grace? Because he loves us.

Why does he love us? Don't ask me, but I'm glad he does!

May my prayer this week be that God gives me the same love for those around me that He has. That way, showing grace may come more easily.


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