Monday, January 14, 2013

Christian Girl Thingy Majigs. ~ Part 1

Sometimes, being a Christian girl isn't so easy, we run across problems frequently. Some a bit on the shallow side... some serious. Here is the start of a list of about bajazillion random Christian girl problems I've run into in my life.

NOTE: I do not mean to offend anybody by the following. All problems, or random situations in general, are based off of either life experiences of my own, or ones I have witnessed, though humorous they may be.

So, without further ado...

1. Getting the "gag-order" in sunday school for answering too many of the questions.

2. Using "I'm dating Jesus" as an excuse for being single.

(Not that I need an excuse to be single...) *COUGH*

3. It doesn't seem statistically possible, but all the good Christian boys are taken, and all the good Christian girls are single.

4. Gossip prayer requests...

5. Getting used to the term "baby ears".

6. Choosing between Relient k at Rock the Universe, or Tenth Avenue North at Night of Joy... Why must they be the same weekend!!??

7. There is no "Courting" option under facebook relationship statuses. We should start a petition...

8. Nobody understands your crush on Martin Luther.

9. Finding modest enough undershirts.

10. Beverly Lewis novels aren't coming out fast enough.

11. The Love Comes Softly movies should be burned at the stake for being so completely unlike the books.

12. Having nightmares after reading the Left Behind series.

13. Preparing for the end of the world after reading the Left Behind series.

14. The realization that you can't marry any of the characters from Narnia.

15. Being disappointed when your closet doesn't take you to Narnia.

15.5. Finding out Narnia isn't real...

16. Having to have a third wheel (a.k.a. chaperone) on all of your "dates".

17. BEING the third wheel on somebody else's date.

18. Not wearing make-up until you're fifteen... maybe sixteen.

19. Your friends parents telling them that they should be more like you.

20. Definition of partying = staying up all night with friends.... playing scrabble.

21. Not being allowed to watch Harry Potter, or read the books.

22. Not being allowed to associate with Twilight anything.... Who am I kidding?? That's not a problem!!!

23. Checking movies on Plugged in before watching them.

24. People see your purity ring and ask if your engaged.

25. Holding in the laughter during the chapter on evolution...

Whooopss!! It's getting mighty late... kinda, and I think my brain needs a nap! So stay tuned for the 76 to follow!

Feel free to share the randomness and give suggestions for more posts!! (Believe it or not my brain doesn't constantly poop ideas!)

To Be Continued...

1 comment:

  1. Yep! I hear pretty much all of these!! lol
